Friday & Saturday May 5 & 6, 2017
Crowninsheild Community House
240 Banyan St.
Boca Grande, FL 33921
Friday Night Social May 5, 2017
Port Boca Grande Lighthouse
Friday May 5, 2017
4:30 PM - Committee Meetings
6:00 PM - FLA Board Meeting
7:30 PM - Social at the Port Boca Grande Lighthouse
Saturday May 6, 2017
9:00 AM - Membership Meeting
12;00 PM - Lunch
1;00 to 4:30 PM - Visit Lighthouses
The bling colors for our May meeting will be red, white and blue in honor of Armed Forces Day (20 May) and Memorial Day (29 May), so be sure to wear your beads if you have them, and anything else you may choose to wear in recognition of these holidays. In addition, 6 May is the 143rd Race for the Roses – Derby Day! So for anyone who wants to get creative, a Derby hat will certainly add to the fun. Come as casual or creative as desired, but we hope you’ll come!
Although our Friday social is the typical “bling day” (including hats), some attendees may want to celebrate Derby Day itself by wearing their hats as well. That’s ok! We’re serious about our mission, but know how to have fun.
Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting!
The first three are in Port Charlotte and approximately 30 miles (45 minutes) from the meeting place.
La Quinta Inns & Suites La Quinta Inn Map
812 Kings Hwy
Port Charlotte, Fl 33980
941 979-4200
Rate: $81 for 2 Queens (Ask for FLA rate)
Cut-off Date; 5 April, 2017.
Holiday Inn Express Holiday Inn Express Map
24440 Sandhill Blvd.
Port Charlotte, FL 33983
941 764-0056
Rate: $89 (ask for FLA rate)
Cut-off; 13 April, 2017
Hampton Inn Hampton Inn Map
24480 Sandhill Blvd
Port Charlotte, Fl 33983
941 627-5600
Rate: $114 for Standard King or Queen (ask for FLA rate)
Cut-off; 13 April, 2017
The next two Hotels are located in Englewood and are approximately 16 miles (30 minutes) from the meeting place.
Sun Life Beach Sun Life Beach Map
1225 S McCall Rd.
Englewood, Fl 34223
813 447-1111
Rate: $150 for 2 nights, (2 dbl beds, 1 dbl or 1 king) (MUST call Anna at the Hotel, ask for FLA rate, for this rate. If no answer, leave message requesting FLA rate and she WILL call back.) (Rate for additional days may be different.)
Cut-off 5 April, 2017
Sun Coast Inn Sun Coast Inn Map
2073 South McCall Rd
Englewood, Fl, 34224
941 475-6533
Rate; $69.95 for standard King & standard 2 Queen (MUST call hotel and ask for FLA rate.)
Cut-off; 24 April, 2017