How Can I Help Promote the FLA License Plate?
Our goal now has switched from obtaining the specialty license to promoting its sale. For each tag sold, $25 is received by the FLA for lighthouse preservation. Multiply that by 10, 20 or 30 thousand license plates and you can see what an impact this would have on lighthouse preservation. There are nine lighthouses in Florida that are open to the public and five more that are open part time or for special occasions. We would like to see all of the lighthouses open. With the funds derived from the sale of these plates that could happen. You can help achieve this doing the following:
- Purchase a Visit Our Lights specialty tag for your own car or cars.
- Encourage your family and friends to do the same.
- Visit your local tax collector and ask them to do what they can to promote the tag.
- Talk to any organizations you are involved in to promote the tag.
- FLA has business sized promotional cards available for you to pass out. If you would like cards please email: